Can you see images in your head?
People differ in their capacity to visualise, from those who can create vivid and detailed images in their mind, to those who cannot see anything at all (also known as “aphantasia”). This is called the mental imagery spectrum, and it reflects the diversity of human cognition.

No matter your level of visual imagery, by participating in our scientific research, you will help us discover new knowledge about how variation in mental imagery relates to the richness of human experience.

Thank you for visiting our page, we appreciate your interest. Join us today and help us explore the fascinating world of mental imagery!
  Register to take part.
If you are interested in participating in our research, please register below, where you will be invited to complete a brief mental imagery questionnaire. This will help us find out what studies you are eligible for and send you more information about available studies.


Example research projects we are conducting
Brainwaves in visual and verbal thought

Can we detect differences in brain signals during visual and verbal thinking? Using small sensors on the scalp to measure the brain's electrical signals, this project involves imagining simple shapes and objects either visually or verbally to understand how these neural processes may differ between aphants and visualisers.

Thinking about vs. imagining the future

Remembering the past and anticipating the future plays an important role daily life, influencing how we feel, make judgments and decisions, and navigate the world around us. This project involves lab and online studies that aim to understand how verbal thinking compares to visual thinking in relation to the past and future.

Variation in wellbeing and thinking style

Our internal mental life influences our mental wellbeing. This project aims to understand how variation in mental wellbeing relates to variation in visual and verbal thinking style, and involves lab and online studies that focus on different facets of psychological and behavioural health.

We value your time and effort, and our research studies involve participant compensation.
The amount and method of reimbursement is study specific, and the details will be provided in the study information sheet
 Dr Julie Ji 

Lecturer in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here
 Professor Jon May 

Professor in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here

 Professor Jackie Andrade 

Professor in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here
 Dr Giorgio Ganis 

Associate Professor (Reader) in Cognitive Neuroscience
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here

 Dr Michael Verde 

Lecturer in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here
 Mrs Stephanie Hartgen-Walker 

Teaching and Research Associate (TARA)
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here

 Dr Jon Rhodes 

Associate Lecturer in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here
 Dr Alastair Smith 

Associate Professor in Psychology
School of Psychology (Faculty of Health)
Read about my research here

School of Psychology
Portland Square Building
Univerity of Plymouth
Drakes Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA

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