Psychometric Test:

Test Name: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Acronym: WCST
Publisher: PAR Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc
Web Site:
Author: Heaton, R.K., Chelune, G.J., Talley, J.L., Kay, G.G. & Curtiss, G.
Year: 1993
Contents: Manual; stimulus cards; response cards.
Age range: 6:5 - 89 years
Administration time: 20-30 minutes
Qualifications: To use this test you need to satisfy the requirements of PAR: Qualification Level: C All qualifications for Level B PLUS an advanced professional degree that provides appropriate training in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests; OR license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests
Available: True
Order: Test Request Form