Psychometric Test:

Test Name: State Trait Anger Expression Inventory - 2
Acronym: STAXI-2
Publisher: PAR Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc
Web Site:
Author: Spielberger C.D.
Year: 1999
Purpose: Self-report 4 point rating scale to assess intensity and frequency of anger.
Contents: Manual; rating sheets; item booklets; profile forms.
Age range: 16+
Administration time: 5-10 minutes + 5 minutes to score.
Qualifications: To use this test you need to satisfy the requirements of PAR: Qualification Level: B A degree from an accredited 4-year college or university in Psychology Counseling or a closely related field PLUS satisfactory completion of coursework in Test Interpretation Psychometrics and Measurement Theory Educational Statistics or a closely related area; OR license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests.Supplied by Brainworx
Available: True
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